Blues You Can Use (kirja+CD) - John Ganapes

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Käytettävissä olevat toimitustavat: Nouto Tampereen myymälästä, Suomi (Pikkupaketti Ovelle), Suomi (paketti Postiin tai automaattiin), Suomi (Postin kotiinkuljetus), Suomi (erikseen käsiteltävä paketti Postin noutopisteeseen), Baltia (Postipaketti), Ruotsi ja Tanska (PickUp Parcel), Eurooppa, alue 2 (Priority-paketti), Eurooppa, alue 1 (Parcel Connect), Muut maat (Priority-paketti)

Kustantaja: HAL LEONARD
ISBN: 978-0-7935-4205-5

A Complete Guide to Learning Blues Guitar. Guitar Educational. Softcover Media Online. 96 pages. This comprehensive source for learning blues guitar is designed to develop both your lead and rhythm playing. Blues styles covered include Texas, Delta, R&B, early rock & roll, gospel and blues/rock. The book also features: 21 complete solos • blues chords, progressions and riffs • turnarounds • movable scales and soloing techniques • string bending • utilizing the entire fingerboard • using 6ths • chord-melody style • music notation and tab • audio with leads and full band backing • video lessons • and more. This second edition now includes audio and video access online! Online audio and video is accessed at


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