Sight Reading for the Classical Guitar levels 1 to 3 - Robert Benedict

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Author: Robert Benedict
Instrument: Guitar
Format: Book
ISBN: 9780769209746

Klassisen kitaristin nuotinluvun parantamiseen keskittyvä teos.

Klassisen kitaristin opas helpottamaan nuotinlukua. This book for the classical guitar has been compiled to improve sight reading, an often neglected aspect of musicianship. With the guitar, musical components (scales, chords, arpeggios, etc.) may often be played in various positions. While this is one of the reasons that the instrument produces such colorful and interesting timbres, it also contributes to the difficulties of sight reading. It is important to develop facility in reading, recognizing the notes, as well as the bar positions in which to play them, the fingerings, the rhythmic patterns, and any markings if interpretation (dynamics, phrasing, articulation, etc.). This book provides an orderly and systematic approach to the study of sight reading, based upon standards for sight reading for the classical guitar found in respected schools around the world.

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