Savarez T50R flamencokitaran kielet - Tomatito Normal Tension

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Kielisarja flamencokitaraan

Two NEW CRISTAL clear nylon trebles (E-1,B-2), ALLIANCE G-3 string, silver plated basses wound on a new multifilament core.
SAVAREZ and Tomatito specially crafted them for the immediate and precise response, the projection and the particular sounds each flamenco player is looking for.
The velocity is much easier. The flamenco playing with its rasgueado, alzapúa, picado… is free and secure.
The strings benefit from new materials and treatments, and state of the art technologies which insure their high quality and long lasting.

Selaa myös nämä tuoteryhmät: Savarez, Klassinen kitara, Muut soittimet, Flamencokitara