Knobloch ERITHACUS Double Silver BI Nylon (EDB)

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Designed for musicians wanting to use organic materials, for a natural treble sound over a rounded bass

The ERITHACUS model (bass strings) is created for guitarists who need a natural, warm and round sound with impeccable intonation, durability, and great playability. These strings are versatile and even warmer than Active model.


  • Natural materials make for a natural treble sound over a rounded bass
  • Round, Natural and Refined

Treble Strings

  • BIO Nylon: Natural - Refined

Bass Strings

  • ER Double Silver: Natural - Round

Sound Combination

  • The roundness of the bass sound matches the refined and natural sound of the BIO trebles
  • These strings are perfect for guitarists looking to eliminate any hint of that plasticy sound that can come from standard Nylon strings
  • The inclusion of the BIO trebles in this set results in a pure, natural and rounded sound


  • Well-balanced set, easy to play on both the left and right hands with extra elasticity in the trebles

Story of Knobloch

The origins of Knobloch Strings begins with Jiri Knobloch, a guitarist, luthier, artist and creator of the first Knobloch Actives strings in Germany in 1971. His passion for the guitar and desire to find the perfect sound led him to create Knobloch Actives, high quality strings designed for professional guitarists.

In 2009 Gilles Baudu, a guitarist with the same passion as Jiri, decided to restart the business, move it to the province of Girona (Spain) and put into practice the knowledge he gained from the Maestro. From that moment on, the strings have been manufactured in Spain and distributed worldwide.

Thanks to working closely with a large family of artists, luthiers and professionals from the music world, we continue to discover 
new and better ways to make your guitar sing and come to life.

Read more about Knobloch

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